Here’s the Deal

I just read an article in this morning’s Adweek. It was about how creative freelancers are taking it on the chin, cutting their day rates by as much as 50%. This kind of made me laugh. What happens when a top notch copywriter reduces their rate? Does he or she deliver 50% less copy, concept or quality? How do you cut back on an idea? The idea doesn’t know it’s going for less than it should. But, buyer beware. As a creative director engaged in freelance myself, I can tell you this…in speaking with my freelance com padres, I am hearing a lot of “They wanna pay half, they’ll get what they pay for.” Maybe we should come up with a price list for creative services. Great ideas go for double the price of average ideas. And if you really want to save money, go for a really bad idea, you can get that for next to nothing.

Having been a CD at some of the largest agencies in the country, I will offer this thought. Agencies and their creative services teams get stale and complacent. It is a huge advantage for clients to look at creative services sources outside their agencies for a number of reasons. The assignment is fresh and exciting for the freelancer. You will get a new perspective on your product. The client will also save time and money. I know this for a fact. Some of the most creative work done by agencies today is their time sheets. Freelancers are more focused. They are not distracted with agency stuff. You know, the meeting before the meeting, followed by the meeting after the meeting.

Going outside for creative services also keeps your agency of record honest, humble and on their toes. It’s the ultimate wake up call. And it is always interesting to see how they respond. Do you get the big effort, and then ask yourself “where were they last week? Or do they get their back up and forget who’s paying them? I’ve seen it all.

As for the deal, give Jack a call. I’m sure we can work something out. After all, we’re creative.

Here’s the Deal was last modified: January 2nd, 2015 by jmf_admin
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