Mistake #7 of 12 for Trainers and Presenters to Avoid


Lack Of Acknowledgment

If there is only one hint that you take away from this article, make sure that it is this one. Teaching is the act of inspiring others to want to learn more and to engage in learning. Every time a participant says something, does something or participates at any level, you should look them in the eye and in front of the whole group thank them for their answer, action or contributions.  If done sincerely, the whole group warms to the thought that learning is fun, that you are there FOR them and not out to prove something at their expense. 

As a salesperson whether you are selling lead generation services, promotional products or web design, your group five or five hundred will have questions. When they are acknowledge your group as a whole will trust you and be willing to perceive you as the expert. This will ultimately result in a relationship and then the sale.

Start thanking your spouse, your significant other, and your children. We acknowledge our kids when they are infants and toddlers but forget to continue to do that as we grow up. The mind and the spirit are always looking for acknowledgment and a thank you, practice this starting today!


Mistake #7 of 12 for Trainers and Presenters to Avoid was last modified: February 24th, 2015 by
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